Greatest Kılavuzu C# IStructuralEquatable Nasıl kullanılır için

Greatest Kılavuzu C# IStructuralEquatable Nasıl kullanılır için

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If two objects compare as equal, the GetHashCode method for each object must return the same value. However, if two objects do not compare kakım equal, the GetHashCode methods for the two object do hamiş have to return different values.

In certain scenarios (such bey using the value type bey a key in a dictionary) it kişi murder performance in one foul swoop.

The following example creates two identical 3-tuple objects whose components consist of three Double values. The value of the second component is Double.NaN. The example then calls the Tuple.Equals method, and it calls the IStructuralEquatable.Equals method three times. The first time, it passes the default equality comparer that is returned by the EqualityComparer.

IStructuralEquatable is an interface in C# that defines methods for determining whether two objects are structurally equal. It's often used in scenarios where you want to compare the structure of objects, typically within collections, and not just compare references or individual values.

Although I think the gains from hamiş boxing will be less than the cost for having CanEqual. In that case you should seal your types and you no longer need CanEqual. Sealing also başmaklık some performance benefits.

comparer IEqualityComparer An object that determines C# IStructuralEquatable Nasıl kullanılır whether the current instance and other are equal.

1 My understanding is that it's used for collection like types, and encapsulates the structural part of the comparison, but leaved the comparison of the elements to a comparer passed in by the user. But I'm derece really sure if I really got it.

Fakat, articles1 ve articles3 dizileri aynı makale saksılıklarına farklı sıralarda ehil evetğundan, CompareTo metodu farklı bir boy bos döndürür ve bu dizilerin strüktürel olarak hemayar olmadığını belirtir.

The first issue we see here is that this struct is mutable in that you yaşama actually change the data later on via the kaş properties. There was no real reason that we introduced this except that we were used to it.

Task oluşturmanın maslahatlemci üzerinde maliyeti vardır ve çok kısa süren anlayışlemler midein bir task yapılandırmak genel anlamda henüz yavaş çdüzenışan uygulamalara saika olur.

Each of your objects should use a hashcode based on the contents of the object. If you have a value type containing 3 ints, use those when computing the hash code. Like this, all objects with identical content will have the same hash code, independent of app domain and other circumstances.

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The IStructuralEquatable interface supports only custom comparisons for structural equality. The IStructuralComparable interface supports custom structural comparisons for sorting and ordering.

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